Danish Vestas Gets 228 MW Wind Turbine Order In Romania

Denmark's wind turbine producer Vestas Wind Systems received from Portuguese EDP Renovaveis an order for 76 units with a total capacity of 228 MW for two energy projects in Romania.

42 afișări

The agreement comprises supply, installation, an IT solution and service on a five-year period, the company said Wednesday in a press release, without providing any financial details.

The first turbines are expected to be installed by the end of 2009.

EDP Renovaveis, the renewable energy arm of Portugal's utility Energias de Portugal, is the third largest wind energy operator in Europe and the fourth in the world.

The total annual production of the two wind power plants will save the environment from more than 195,500 tons of CO2 emissions per year, Vestas said.

Vestas added that, following the customer’s request, details about the name of the project cannot be disclosed.

Czech CEZ, Italy’s Enel or Spain’s Iberdrola currently develop win farm projects in Romania, totaling thousands MW of wind energy.

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