ANCOM: Average Fixed Broadband Internet Download Speed In Romania Up 78% On Year In 2016

Romanians enjoyed national average download speeds of 26 Mbps for internet data and download speeds of 95 Mbps for fixed broadband internet data in 2016, which translates into an increase of 78%, according to ANCOM application used to test the quality of internet service, called


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ANCOM: Average Fixed Broadband Internet Download Speed In Romania Up 78% On Year In 2016

The average download speed for fixed broadband internet connections countrywide ranged between 48.37 Mbps (in Harghita County) and 117.96 Mbps (in Ilfov County) in 2016, according to

„Tests run on show that in 2016, the average download speeds saw an increase compared with 2015, on both fixed and mobile broadband internet segment. Thus, the average download speed of fixed broadband internet data rose 78.4%, from 53.2 Mbps to 94.95 Mbps (142.45 Mbps for cable connections and 48.99 Mbps for wireless connections). Moreover, the average download speed for mobile broadband internet data grew 34.7%, from 19.2 Mbps to 25.9 Mbps (32.98 Mbps for outdoor connections and 22.93 Mbps for indoor connections)”, Romania’s telecom regulator said in a statement.

Statistics for fixed and mobile broadband internet in 2016 were generated by based on approximately 182,000 valid tests carried out by internet users in Romania.


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