Archaeological Digs Hinder Progress On Romanian Cernavoda-Constanta Hwy - PM
Romania's Government is having some problems with the construction of the Bucharest-Constanta Highway, because of the archaeological sites on the Cernavoda-Constanta segment, and is looking for solutions so that work could be finished by the end of the year, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.
Archaeological Digs Hinder Progress On Romanian Cernavoda-Constanta Hwy - PM
In a Government meeting last month, Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said that work on the Cernavoda-Constanta segment is running late, because the Culture Ministry has not retrieved the artifacts from the archaeological digs in the area.
Culture Minister Hunor Kelemen replied that his ministry has limited authority over the fieldwork and complained that the Transport Ministry has not provided any money for the digs.
Boc asked for a workgroup, made up of Culture Ministry, Transport Ministry and road authority CNADNR representatives, to draw up a report on the situation within two weeks.
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The artifacts in only 25 of the 67 archaeological excavations in the area have so far been retrieved. The roads should be opened for traffic in June.
The project has been divided into three sectors:
- Cernavoda-Medgidia: 20 km long, being built by French company Colas, for EUR224 million;
- Medgidia-Constanta: 32 km long, being built by the Italian-German consortium Astaldi-Max Boegl, for EUR211 million;
- Constanta city beltway: 21.8 km long, being built by the Spanish-Italian consortium FCC Construction-Astaldi, for 803.96 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2493).
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