Around 370,000 Romanian Firms To Send Income Tax Statement Quarterly - PM

Around 370,000 Romanian companies with a turnover of up to EUR100,000 and no more than two employees will send their income tax statement every quarter, instead of every month, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.


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Around 370,000 Romanian Firms To Send Income Tax Statement Quarterly - PM

"This means that smaller firms, NGOs and self-employed people will have some assistance from the state against red tape," said Boc on national radio.

The prime minister explained that this is one of the amendments to the Fiscal Code, part of the strategy to support the business environment.

The Government's legislative priorities for the parliament session due to begin on September 5 include adopting the 2012 budget law, setting the wage coordinates for next year as per the wage law, implementing economic support measures, amending the Fiscal Code and setting the value of heating subsidies.

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