Belgium Might Lift Work Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians Starting 2012

Romanians and Bulgarians might be allowed access on Belgium’s labor market starting January 1, 2012, after Flanders, the last Belgian region which opposed this measure, lifted its veto, according to


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Belgium Might Lift Work Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians Starting 2012

Daily Sega reported Friday that the decision will be adopted officially this week by a mixed committee representing the Flemish, the Walloon and the Brussels regions.

A Romanian delegation has been holding negotiations for two years with Flemish Work Minister Philippe Muyters to have work restrictions for Romanians lifted.

Belgium is among the ten EU member states which still apply work restrictions for Romanians and Bulgarians. Labor restrictions are to be lifted on January 1, 2014 at the latest, as per an agreement negotiated in 2007, when the two countries joined the EU.

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