Bucharest To Have New Multi-Purpose Sports Center By 2013 For RON260M

Romania’s Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism will build a multipurpose sports center in capital Bucharest by 2013, which will seat 16,000 people and cost 260 million lei (about EUR60 million), according to a draft Government decision.


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Bucharest To Have New Multi-Purpose Sports Center By 2013 For RON260M

The build will last three years, starting 2011, and the Government would allot it RON13 million in the first year, RON130.2 million in 2012 and RON117.2 million in 2013, from the state budget.

The new sports center will be built near the Lia Manoliu national stadium, on the spot currently occupied by a skating rink.

The spot already has training halls for gymnastics, weightlifting, judo, boxing and athletics, currently used by Romania's national and Olympic sports teams. The center also has two indoor and one outdoor swimming pools, an athletics track and basketball courts.

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