Celestica To Lay Off 450 Employees in Romanian Factory

Canadian-held electronic components supplier Celestica, the owner of a plant in Bihor county, plans to lay off 451 of its 1,664 employees in Romania citing a 20% downsize in factory activity.


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Celestica To Lay Off 450 Employees in Romanian Factory

Local labor chief inspector Marius Rotar said the management of the factory in Bors, Bihor county, has notified labor authorities of upcoming collective layoffs.

Redundancies are set to begin in April and employees will receive two to five salaries as severance pay, said Rotar.

Celestica Romania, part of Celestica International, manufactures electronic components for clients such as Alcatel Lucent, HP, Honeywell or NEC.

The factory in Bors was built in 2004.

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