Competition Council Sets Off Inquiry Into Romanian Cement Market

Romania’s Competition Council on Wednesday said it started an investigation into possible anticompetitive agreements on the local cement manufacturing and sale market between the companies Holcim (Romania) SA, CRH Ciment (Romania) SA and Heidelbergcement Romania SA.


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Competition Council Sets Off Inquiry Into Romanian Cement Market

The anticompetitive agreements were allegedly aimed at dividing Romania’s cement manufacturing and sale market, from the perspective of market shares and/or products sold on the market, limiting or controlling the production, the sale process, the technical development or the investments, corelated with a possible coordination of the policy for the formation of prices imposed by the firms involved, starting 2010, the antitrust watchdog said in a statement.

As part of its investigation, the antitrust watchdog conducted unexpected checkups at the headquarters of the companies under investigation and the documents seized are being analysed by the watchdog, within the specific investigation procedure.

The companies involved could be fined up to 10% of turnover if the regulator finds they breached the antitrust rules. Nevertheless, the companies that cooperate with the antitrust regulator, within the leniency program, may receive immunity from fines or substantial reduction of fines.



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