EC Warns Romania About High Poor Air Quality

The European Commission (EC) has sent Romania an additional reasoned opinion concerning the high daily and yearly concentration of airborne particles (PM10), prompting the Environment Ministry to call for a videoconference on the issue with county prefects.


"In Romania, 17 areas have been found to exceed PM10 limits. Romania applied for an exemption in 2010 for 11 of these 17 areas, and the Commission sent a reasoned opinion concerning the six areas not covered by the application for an exemption. After considering the exemption request, the Commission has concluded that the necessary conditions have not been met, and so a reasoned opinion is being sent to Romania for nine additional areas (the situation having improved in two of the regions concerned in the meantime)," the EC said in a press release on Wednesday.

"Romania has two months to reply. A failure to improve the situation could result in a summons before the EU Court of Justice," said the EC.

In response, the Environment Ministry announced Wednesday afternoon that it and the Interior Ministry will organize a videoconference with the county prefects, presidents of county councils and mayors in the areas mentioned in the Commission's notice. The meeting aims to evaluate current progress and take "other necessary measures to remedy the situation and meet the PM10 limits provided by Directive 2008/50/EC."

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