Emergency decree for the organizing early parliamentary elections, adopted by the Government

The Government has adopted, on Tuesday evening, an emergency ordinance for organizing early parliamentary elections, providing, among other things, the possibility of voting in any section, regardless of the main residency, but also doubling the number of parliamentarians in diaspora.


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Emergency decree, adopted by the Government

"The emergency ordinance for organizing parliamentary elections ahead of term has been adopted. We are talking about extending the provisions that were beneficial and proved to be for the benefit of the citizens who wanted to vote in the presidential elections, respectively three days of voting in diaspora and the possibility of voting at any polling station, to encourage the Romanian citizens' participation in the vote. Also, the number of MPs from diaspora has doubled. The necessity of the adoption is related to the fact that in the event of a situation of organizing the parliamentary elections ahead of term there is a legislative vacuum that has to be regulated", has said Ionel Dancă, head of the prime minister's Office.

He has specified that the Constitution provided for a three-month deadline for organizing the parliamentary elections since the Parliament's dissolution, while the electoral legislation provides for at least 90 days.

"The deadline set by the emergency decree (OUG) is 50 days to announce the date of the parliamentary elections after the dissolution of the Parliament and the announcement can be done within five days after the dissolution of the Parliament. It also introduces regulations for constituting the electoral offices", Dancă said.

He qualified as "nonsense" the criticism regarding the possibility of voting at any section, regardless of main residency, explaining that the suspicions are baseless due to the control system of electronic voting.

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