Enel To Install Over 150,000 Smart Meters In Muntenia Sud, Dobrogea And Banat In 2017

Electricity distribution companies of Enel group will install over 150,000 smart meters in 2017, in the regions where they operate in Romania – Muntenia Sud, Dobrogea and Banat, Enel said in a statement on Tuesday.


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Enel To Install Over 150,000 Smart Meters In Muntenia Sud, Dobrogea And Banat In 2017

The program sets off „after the country’s energy regulator ANRE had approved a third pilot project for the installation of smart meters.” The new project, as well as the previous projects based on which a total 140,000 have already been installed, are „part of Enel’s medium-term strategy to install smart meters for the entire base of 2.8 million clients in Romania,” the statement also reads.

Smart metering enables access to consumption data in real time, monitoring of power consumption, invoicing based on exact consumption and monitoring of service continuity.

According to Enel group, E-Distributie Muntenia will put into use some 70,000 smart meters, covering important areas in Bucharest and Ilfov. In Ilfov, clients in Buftea, Mogosoaia and Chitila are included in the project.

E-Distributie Dobrogea will install some 40,000 smart meters in both urban and rural areas. E-Distributie Banat will install smart meters for over 40,000 clients in urban and rural areas in the counties of Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara and Timis.

For 2017, Enel targets investments of EUR151.5 million in Romania, of which EUR139 million will be allocated solely for distribution operations. For 2018, investments are envisaged at EUR178 million, of which EUR168 million target improved network performance.

Enel group operates in over 30 countries on four continents and has a net installed energy production capacity of nearly 83 GW. Enel distributes electricity and natural gas through a network of over 2 million km and has over 65 household and corporate clients worldwide, which represent the biggest client base compared with European firms in the field.

Enel has more than 3,100 employees in Romania and provides services to 2.8 million clients in three major regions in Romania: Muntenia Sud (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, covering a third of the local distribution market.


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