EU Commissioner: Food Security Not A Past Problem, It Concerns Future

Romanian EU Commissioner for Agriculture Dacian Ciolos said Friday food security is an issue that concerns the future and fears of food shortages underlie current social commotion and political turmoil.


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EU Commissioner: Food Security Not A Past Problem, It Concerns Future

"Food security is not a problem that has to do with the past, as some believe. On the contrary, it concerns the future," pointed out Ciolos.

The EU commissioner said one of his objectives is to ensure food security. He highlighted that fear of food insufficiency is one of the aspects that lie at the roots of social and political turmoil worldwide, as demand is increasing and production has stagnated over the past years.

Ciolos also pointed out that the number of farmers in the European Union has decreased. According to data presented by the commissioner, farmers represent only 3-4% of the total economically active population.

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