Eurostat: Romania Posts Third Lowest Inflation In EU In June 2017

Romania posted the third lowest annual inflation rate in the European Union in June, of 0.7%, after Denmark (0.4%), according to data published Monday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU.


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Eurostat: Romania Posts Third Lowest Inflation In EU In June 2017

The lowest annual rates were registered in Ireland (-0.6%), Denmark (0.4%) and Romania (0.7%). The highest annual rates were recorded in Lithuania (3.5%), Estonia and Latvia (both 3.1%). Compared with May 2017, annual inflation fell in eighteen Member States, remained stable in three and rose in six.

Euro area annual inflation was 1.3% in June 2017, down from 1.4% in May. In June 2016, the rate was 0.1%. European Union annual inflation was 1.4% in June 2017, down from 1.6% in May. A year earlier the rate was 0.1%.

The largest upward impacts to the euro area annual inflation came from accommodation services (+0.08 percentage points), package holidays (+0.06 pp) and tobacco (+0.04 pp), while telecommunication (-0.10 pp), social protection (-0.04 pp) and bread & cereals (-0.03 pp) had the biggest downward impacts.


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