Foreigners Own 8.5% Of Romania’s Total Arable Area – Agric Minister

The area of Romanian farmland owned by foreigners increased by over 10% this year to 709,000 hectares from 635,000 hectares in 2010, and 24.29% of it belongs to Italians, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara told a news conference Monday.


Imaginea articolului Foreigners Own 8.5% Of Romania’s Total Arable Area – Agric Minister

Foreigners Own 8.5% Of Romania’s Total Arable Area – Agric Minister

According to ministry data, foreigners own 709,000 hectares of farmland in Romania, or 8.5% of the country's overall arable area.

Of the total area of farmland owned by foreigners, 24.29% belong to Italians, 15.48% to Germans, 9.98% to Arabs, 8.17% to Hungarians, 6.22% to Spaniards, 6.13% to Austrians and 4.52% to Danes.

"The most active buyers of land in Romania are citizens from countries such as Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. If last year a hectare of land in advantaged areas in Romania cost EUR1,500 to EUR2,500, prices rose to EUR4,000 to EUR5,000 this year," said Tabara.

According to Tabara, the number of farms held by foreigners increased from 123 in 2010 to 126 this year in Timis county (W), from 100 to 107 in Arad (W), from 0 to 25 in Bihor (W), from 9 to 14 in Alba (C) and from 28 to 40 in Dolj (S).

The area of farmland bought by foreigners rose to 51,553 hectares in 2011 from 37,295 hectares in 2010 in northeastern Romania, to 44,021 hectares from 26,457 hectares in southwestern regions and from 149,569 hectares to 229,336 hectares in western Romania.

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