GfK: Romania’s Durable Goods Market Up Nearly 6% In 1Q/2017

The Romanian durable goods market rose nearly 6% on the year in January-March 2017, and the electronics and small appliances sectors saw double-digit growth rates, according to a GfK report.


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GfK: Romania’s Durable Goods Market Up Nearly 6% In 1Q/2017

The printing devices sector saw the biggest decline, of over 16%.

On the electronics segment, the TV market saw a slight increase, in the context of a constant average price and an evolution of the superior resolution segments, the audio products sector is on the rise and the video systems saw a significant decline on the year in the first quarter of 2017.

The quarter ended on a positive trend for the large appliances segment. Emerging categories saw double-digit growths, while the main categories saw a slowdown in growth rates. The small appliances market saw a double-digit growth in 2017, with almost all categories seeing a positive trend.

The photo camera market, which sees a slight increase, registered a rise in the average price, due to higher demand for Full HD products.

The laptops market was in line with the evolution of the IT sector and the demand for computer tablets declined, seeing the biggest decline in the sector.

On the telecom segment, 4G smartphones continue the double-digit growth, with sales on the Bluetooth headsets segment doubling and sales of fitness bracelets seeing a more accelerated growth, compared with smartwatch-urile.

The smartphones market saw only a slight increase on the year in January-March 2017.

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