Haier Invests EUR50M in Refrigerator Production Unit in Romania

Chinese giant Haier, one of the world's largest white goods manufacturers, will be investing EUR50 million in a production unit in Prahova county, Romania.


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Haier Invests EUR50M in Refrigerator Production Unit in Romania

The factory will create over 500 jobs and will manufacture 600,000 refrigerators per year.

For comparison, the Arctic factory in Gaesti, Dambovita, owned by Turkey's Arcelik, has a capacity of 2.6 million refrigerators a year, making it the biggest refrigerator factory in continental Europe.

Haier, which makes white goods under the brands Haier and Candy, has over 65,000 employees, 24 factories and five research centers. It had a turnover of EUR35 billion in 2019, up 10% on the year.

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