Iohannis, emergency meeting with PNL's leaders - sources

President Klaus Iohannis has called PNL's leaders on Wednesday for a discussion at Vila Lac II complex. According to some liberal sources, the discussions will refer to the early elections and the emergency ordinance that provides the organizational details.


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Iohannis, emergency meeting with PNL's leaders - sources

On Wednesday, president Klaus Iohannis called PNL's leaders for a discussion to be held at Vila Lac II at 17.00.

According to some liberal sources, the talks with the head of state will refer to the early elections and the emergency ordinance that provides the organizational details. PNL's leaders include prime minister Ludovic Orban, Raluca Turcan, Robert Sighiartău and Rareş Bogdan.

The meeting takes place as the second Orban Government is to go before the Parliament on Monday for the confidence vote.

The Liberals' plan is to trigger early election by rejecting two consecutive cabinet proposals in the plenary.

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