Italy To Lift Labor Market Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians In 2012
Italy has decided to lift all labor market restrictions for Romanians and Bulgarians on December 31, 2011, the Romanian Labor Ministry said Thursday.
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"Italy's decision confirms the European Commission's report of November 11, which proves that Romanians play an important part in the economies of destination countries (mobility has led to a 0.3% increase in the GDP for EU-27 and 0.4% for EU-15)," said the Ministry.
The latest data made public by the Italian Institute of Statistics show 968,576 Romanians live and work in this country.
Italian authorities decided to implement transitional restrictions for Romanian citizens beginning on January 1, 2007. Romanians were able to work freely in agriculture, hotel and tourism services, housekeeping and care, construction, engineering, management and highly skilled work, and seasonal work. Employment in every other field required a work permit.
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