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Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 23:54, 19 februarie 2025
Marcel Ciolacu is considering notifying CCR if Iohannis re-appoints Orban as prime minister
PSD interim leader Marcel Ciolacu has said on Thursday, after consulting with president Klaus Iohannis on the appointment of a new Executive, that he will consider the Constitutional Court's notification if the head of state again appoints Ludovic Orban as prime minister.
22 views![Imaginea articolului Marcel Ciolacu is considering notifying CCR if Iohannis re-appoints Orban as prime minister](http://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv.ro/media/1/1/6966/18805643/1/7536754-mediafax-foto-alexandru-dobre.jpg?width=560)
Marcel Ciolacu is considering notifying CCR if Iohannis re-appoints Orban as prime minister
Ludovic Orban has said he remains the liberals' proposal for the position of prime minister and that the party's parliamentarians will vote to reject the two proposals of government, in order to reach early elections.
Klaus Iohannis consults Thursday at the Cotroceni Palace for the designation of a new government with representatives of the Parliament's parties.
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