Ministry of Education: 32 schools, closed due to influenza. Nearly 3.500 students affected

A number of 32 schools are closed on Monday, nationally, most of them in Bucharest, due to influenza illnesses, in total almost 3.500 students being affected by this measure, announces the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC).


Imaginea articolului Ministry of Education: 32 schools, closed due to influenza. Nearly 3.500 students affected

Ministry of Education: 32 schools, closed due to influenza. Nearly 3.500 students affected

Thus, according to the source quoted, 23 schools are partially closed in Bucharest.

In each of Argeş, Cluj, Giurgiu, Ilfov, Neamţ, Olt and Sibiu counties, there is one school closed, and in Iaşi there are two schools partially closed.

"3.466 students are affected by the suspension of classes in these schools", according to Ministry of Education and Research officials.

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