Most Romanians Consider Govt’s Anti-Crisis Measures Ineffective - Poll

Most Romanians (80%) think that the anti-crisis measures taken by the Government were ineffective, according to a Eurobarometer survey published on Tuesday.


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Most Romanians Consider Govt’s Anti-Crisis Measures Ineffective - Poll

EU citizens consider that their countries' measures against the economic crisis were inefficient (55%). About 86% of respondents in Spain and Latvia and 83% of respondents in Ireland, Greece and Lithuania think their governments took ineffective anti-crisis measures.

According to the survey, 63% of Romanians think the European Union was inefficient in fighting the crisis. Almost half of European citizens said the European Union's anti-crisis measures were efficient.

The International Monetary Fund is considered by EU citizens the most appropriate institution to reform financial markets (25%), followed by EU institutions (21%) and the G20 states (18%). Romanians consider EU institutions as the most suitable to reform financial markets (27%). The EU is followed by G20 states (18%) and the IMF (14%).

According to the survey, about one third of Romanians said national governments should be the institutions most capable of taking viable measures against the economic crisis (29%). The European Union follows with 27% and the G20 states with 12%.

According to the survey, Romanians consider that the Europe 2020 Strategy objective most likely to be accomplished by 2020 is the one stating that 75% of people aged between 20 and 64 will have a job.

Regarding initiatives supporting the European economy, Romanians consider that the most appropriate measures are those enhancing the education system (47%) and supporting entrepreneurship (32%).

According to the Eurobarometer, 41% of Romanian respondents think the European economic situation is good and 32% of them said the same thing about the world economic situation.

The survey polled 1001 Romanians between November 11 and December 1, 2010.

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