Over 400 Children Abandoned In Romanian Maternities, Hospitals In January-March

Over 400 children were abandoned at birth in maternity wards and hospitals in the first three months of the year, of which 129 have been reintegrated in their families, the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection said Friday.


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Over 400 Children Abandoned In Romanian Maternities, Hospitals In January-March

A total 414 children were abandoned in maternity wards and hospitals across the country in January-March 2011. Of these, 341 were released from hospital and 129 were reunited with their families, ten were given placed into the care of another family or person, 153 were placed with maternal assistants, and 23 were taken to orphanages.

The child protection system countrywide includes 64,828 children. Of these, 19,858 are with maternal assistants, 19,305 in public residential services, 17,760 are with relatives of up to the fourth degree, 3,963 are in private residential services and 3,942 live with families other than their own.

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