Pandemic Hits Romanian Dacia's 1Q Sales in Europe

Dacia registrations have been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic and the Romanian carmaker's sales were among the hardest hit in Europe.


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Pandemic Hits Romanian Dacia's 1Q Sales in Europe

Dacia registrations in Germany dropped 43% in the first quarter compared with the same period of 2019, to less than 11,000 units.

Dacia registrations also fell sharply on its main European markets – Spain, France and Italy.

The French auto market dropped 71% on the year in March, to nearly 79,500 units, according to the French carmakers' association, driven by restrictions imposed to contain the pandemic. New Dacia car registrations in France dropped by more than 80% in March, to less than 3,200 units, as auto dealerships closed mid-March.

The French car market dropped 34% on the year in the first quarter.

According to Automotive News Europe, all countries that imposed similar restrictions will register major downturns on their auto markets, in line with the situation in China, where the auto market fell 80% in February.

Large European auto markets such as France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK are set to register record falls during this period.

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