President: Romania Will Not Accede To The Eurozone Too Soon

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday that Romania’s adoption of the Euro will not happen soon due to internal delays, though also announced that he will restate the country’s intention to accede to the Eurozone in a Euro Summit meeting.


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President: Romania Will Not Accede To The Eurozone Too Soon

“We need to make a difference between the actual results we have at this moment, and those we are still waiting on. We are not in period in which accession to the Eurozone is imminent. It will not happen to soon because things are moving slowly in our country,” said the Romanian President, before a meeting of the European Council in Brussels.

He added that he will state Romania’s intention to accede to Eurozone, during a work meeting with members of the Euro Summit.

“Migration, internal security, foreign affairs are this morning’s subjects. There is nothing new here. We are practically formalizing discussions from the Salzburg Summit, which were concerted on usual themes, without contradictions. We will formalize a closer cooperation to eliminate threats of internet attacks. I hope we tackle subjects on extension, sanctions, but I do not foresee any important evolutions. During the work breakfast, we will have a discussion in the Euro Summit format, and I will say that Romania wishes to accede to the Eurozone,” said Klaus Iohannis.

The Romanian President is attending, on Thursday and Friday, a European Council meeting, the 12th Asia-Europe Meeting Summit and the extended Euro Summit, with discussions to revolve around Brexit, migration, internal security and the EU’s foreign affairs.

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