Romania, Among Last In The EU By Inland Freight Transport In 2015

Romania ranks among the last in the European Union regarding inland freight transport, with less than 2,000 tons-kilometers per inhabitant, in 2015, according to data published on Friday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.


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Romania, Among Last In The EU By Inland Freight Transport In 2015

Luxembourg had the most freight transported by road per inhabitant (more than 15,500 tons-kilometres per inhabitant) followed by Lithuania and Slovenia. On the other hand, freight transport by road was lowest in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Romania (all less than 2,000 ton-kilometres).

Comparisons in road transport are expressed in ton-kilometres (one ton of goods travelling a distance of one kilometre) per inhabitant.

Some three quarters of the total inland freight transport in the EU is transported by road, the remains are transported by rail or inland waterways. However, significant differences can be seen between Member States.

In 2015, Romania had 86,080 km of public roads, of which highways accounted for only 4.2% of the total (747 kilometers), while operational railways of public use totalled 10,770 kilometers, according to Romania’s statistics institute INS.


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