Romania Dec ‘10 Construction Output Rises At Fastest Pace In EU

Romania's construction output rose 17.6% on the month in December 2010, the highest increase in the European Union, official data showed Thursday.


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Romania Dec ‘10 Construction Output Rises At Fastest Pace In EU

In the EU bloc, construction output fell 3.1% in December last year compared with a month earlier in seasonally-adjusted data, EU's statistics office Eurostat said.

Among the member states for which data are available, construction production fell in eight and rose in four. The highest decreases were registered in Germany (-24.1%), the United Kingdom (-15.2%), the Czech Republic (-13.3%) and Bulgaria (-13%), and the largest increases in Romania and Slovenia (+5.3%).

Construction output in Romania declined 1.9% in December compared with the same month of 2009.The EU average construction output was down 4.1% on the year, the data showed.

In annual terms, the largest decreases were registered in Germany (-23.6%), Spain (-19.8%) and the Czech Republic (-15.6%), while Sweden (+10.8%), Poland (+10.7%) and Slovakia (+0.5%) were the only member states that posted increases.

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