Romania, Facebook Work Together To Promote Country As Tourist Destination

Romania’s Tourism Ministry will collaborate with social networking website Facebook to promote the country as a tourist destination, minister Elena Udrea told a news conference Tuesday.


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Romania, Facebook Work Together To Promote Country As Tourist Destination

"We've talked to Facebook officials and decided, at the recommendation of experts who created the country's tourist brand, to promote Romania on Facebook, which is the world's biggest and most popular social networking website," said Udrea.

She added talks with Facebook are at an early stage of setting goals and planning strategies and budgets have not yet been discussed.

Udrea said the strategy to promote Romania as a tourist destination will be ready by early December and the first promotion campaign is expected to be implemented early march next year at the latest.

Facebook vice-president Blake Chandlee said this is the first time the social network has collaborated with international government authorities at such an early stage in the development of a tourist strategy.

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