Romania Interior Ministry Staff Numbers 25% Higher Than EU Average
Romania’s Interior Ministry says it needs to cut back on staff because Romania has an average 500 police officers, military officers and public servants per 100,000 inhabitants, which is 25% higher than the European Union average.
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The ministry has submitted a bill for public debate aiming to cut budget spending and listing criteria to cut back on staff numbers.
The bill's substantiation note states the Government's anti-crisis program, backed by the International Monetary Fund, EU and the World Bank, is meant to reverse economic imbalances and prepare the way for economic revival. The country's fiscal and budget strategy for 2011-2013 targets lowering the budget deficit from 6.8% of gross domestic product in 2010 to 4.4% of GDP 2011, by cutting budget spending 2.2%.
In 2012, budget spending is to be cut an extra 1.2% to reach a deficit of 3% of GDP.
Staff spending is seen down from 8.2% of GDP in 2010 to 7.4% of GDP in 2011.
The Ministry of Administration and Interior is to lower its staff spending from 1.74% of GDP (RON8.9 billion) in 2010 to 1.38% of GDP (RON7.5 billion) in 2011, 1.24% of GDP (RON7.4 billion) in 2012 and 1.17% of GDP (RON7.7 billion) in 2013.
The ministry said Romania's public order sector has about 500 workers per 100,000 inhabitants, which is 25% above the EU average of about 400 workers per 100,000 inhabitants.
The ministry also said people to be laid off from the system will benefit from protection measures.
The ministry expects amendments to the bill by January 7.
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