Romania Lifts Bad Weather Alert For All Regions, Except Two Southeastern Counties

Romania has lifted the bad weather alert for heavy snowfall and blizzards in all regions, except for the southeastern counties of Tulcea and Constanta, which will remain under a yellow code advisory for gusty wind, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.


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Romania Lifts Bad Weather Alert For All Regions, Except Two Southeastern Counties

The yellow code targeting the two counties will be issued Friday afternoon, Boc added. The yellow and orange code alert valid for the rest of the counties will be lifted, he said.

Tulcea and Constanta were under an orange code advisory for heavy snowfall and blizards until Friday at noon.

Boc warned temperatures will drop to minus 20 degrees Celsius starting tonight and pointed out that nearly 200 localities are still facing electricity supply problems.

The Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) announced Friday that 100 people are still trapped in 88 snowed-in cars and 576 other people are currently in shelters.

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