Romania May Not Block Pork Imports From Germany – Agric Min

Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said Tuesday that Romania may not stop importing pork from Germany, which Romanian producers suspect may be exporting meat contaminated with dioxin, a carcinogen.


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Romania May Not Block Pork Imports From Germany – Agric Min

Tabara pointed out that Hungary, which initially had stopped the import of pork from Germany, has reversed the decision and issued an apology, after a meeting with European Commission officials. The minister added that the entire EU pork market is in a crisis, caused by higher global cereal prices.

He also said the German Minister of Agriculture read the Commission a report on the measures taken against the dioxin problem, which the agriculture ministers of the other member states found reassuring.

Tabara believes the issue of dioxin-contaminated pork is false, created for political purposes.

Romanian pig breeders said pork contaminated with dioxin may have made its way into Romania from Germany and asked that imports from this country be stopped. Also, the National Federation of Romanian Agricultural Producers asked Tabara to take measures to protect domestic pork producers from the unfair pricing policy practiced by Germany companies.

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