Romania Overdue Loan Payments Double To RON15B In Dec ‘10
Romanian overdue payments on loans worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2485) rose to RON15.07 billion in December 2010, more than double on the year, central bank data showed Monday.
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Compared with November 2010, however, overdue loan payments were down 1.2% in December, the data showed.
Overdue loans as share of total debt fell to 6.34% end-December, from a record high of 6.52% in November.
The number of Romanian corporate and household debtors reached 957,206 million in December, of which 218,410 had past due payments.
Total loans and commitments assumed by Romanian lenders stood at RON269.67 billion in December last year, up 6% from the end of 2009.
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