Romania Prepares Aid Scheme To Support IT&C Companies Which Plan Local Investments

The Romanian Communications Ministry is working on a state aid scheme aimed to support IT&C companies which plan to further develop their business in Romania, Communications Minister Valerian Vreme told MEDIAFAX.


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Romania Prepares Aid Scheme To Support IT&C Companies Which Plan Local Investments

According to Vreme, IT&C companies IBM, Oracle, Dell and Ericsson will be among the beneficiaries of the respective state aid scheme.

The minister said IBM plans to extend its activity on the local market and employ 3,000 more people, while Oracle might relocate in Romania a unit it runs in Africa. Ericsson wants to increase its number of employees in Romania by up to 500, he added. Dell might also open a subsidiary and hire hundreds of people.

IBM's local subsidiary has two centers - Global Procurement Services Group Romania Remote Delivery Center and Application Services Global Delivery Center Eastern Europe, both based in Bucharest.

IBM Romania was set up in 1995 and registered turnover of 227.02 million lei (EUR53.4 million) last year, from RON216.6 million in 2009, and had over 660 employees.

Oracle's turnover in Romania hit EUR75.5 million in 2010, when the company had over 1,600 employees.

Ericsson registered a RON563.7 million turnover on the local market last year.

In 2010, IT&C sales in Romania reached EUR8.8 billion, up 6% compared to 2009, and exports climbed about 45%, according to a research conducted by the Computing Technique Institute (ITC) and published in May.


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