Romania Registers Second AH1N1 Death This Year
A 29 year-old woman diagnosed with the AH1N1 virus has died in hospital in Iasi, eastern Romania, the second swine flu-related death in Romania over the past three days.
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The woman died Saturday but local doctors received confirmation Tuesday from the Cantacuzino Institute in Bucharest that she had been infected with the AH1N1 virus, said local health department spokesman Marius Voicescu.
She reportedly suffered from other illnesses as well and had respiratory problems.
The local health department in Iasi said Monday a 60 year-old man diagnosed with AH1N1 flu died Sunday night in hospital.
Two other people in Iasi have been diagnosed with the AH1N1 virus but their state of health is reportedly good. One of them is being treated in hospital.
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