Romania’s Stance On Libya Depends On NATO - President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said on public television Sunday evening Romania has no reason to state an official position on Libya and will only act under the NATO umbrella.


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Romania’s Stance On Libya Depends On NATO - President

Basescu said Romania respects the resolution adopted by the U.N. Security Council, adding he believes the Libyan leader must relinquish power.

"The trouble is we are a shooter whose hand is trembling on the trigger. Romania has no business stating a position at the moment. Romania has stated very clearly it adheres to and respects Resolution 1973 (the U.N. Security Council -e.n.), which institutes a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians. A head of state turning arms against his own people is no longer legitimized," said Basescu.

The president said current international forces acting in Libya are not led by NATO but are a "coalition of goodwill" and NATO is expected to lay out its operation plan.

"When NATO acts, Romania will be there," Basescu said.

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