Romania Supports Bilateral Negotiations Between Palestinian, Israeli Authorities - President

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Thursday said Palestinian and Israeli authorities should hold bilateral negotiations regarding a Palestinian state and reach an agreement to suit both parties.


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Romania Supports Bilateral Negotiations Between Palestinian, Israeli Authorities - President

Speaking about the likelihood that Romania will be asked for a position regarding the recognition of a Palestinian state, the president said Palestinian authorities and Israel should hold direct talks and find a bilateral solution to be presented to the UN.

Basescu highlighted that this is Romania's official position regarding the matter.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said in July, after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Romania maintains its position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and supports the resumption of direct negotiations between the two parties, to ensure peace in the region.

"To uphold Romania's consistent position regarding the Middle East peace process, we have restated our country's support for a solution negotiated by the two parties, not a unilateral solution, as the only way to ensure real and solid foundations for durable peace. We have stressed the need for direct negotiations to be resumed as soon as possible," said Boc.

The Jerusalem Post wrote, in its June 10 edition, that Netanyahu would visit Romania and Bulgaria, as part of a diplomatic campaign opposing the UN's recognition of a Palestinian state.

The UN General Assembly's vote on the recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state is scheduled for its September session.

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