Romania Suspended From Trading Green Certificates

The Kyoto Protocol committee has decided to suspend Romania from trading green certificates, after it noted breaches in the national inventory of carbon emissions, and the decision will apply until the county meets all requirements, the Environment Ministry said Sunday.


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Romania Suspended From Trading Green Certificates

According to the ministry, the final decision taken by the Kyoto Protocol committee confirms the preliminary conclusion of the forum's latest reunion, on July 8. The decision takes effect immediately.

The ministry said it is currently implementing measures to improve its data collection strategy so the carbon emission inventory will be revised.

People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Thursday Romania stands to lose hundreds of millions of euro following a pending suspension from trading green certificates.

According to the sources, the cause for Romania's suspension is "lack of confidence in Romania's ability to estimate greenhouse gas emissions on a national level."

The suspension from green certificate trading means Romania temporarily loses the chance to sell its green certificates.

Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said in a news conference in January this year the country had some 300 million units for sale, which meant some EUR1.8 billion.

The National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2011 was the task of the National Agency for Environment Protection (ANPM).

Borbely said Friday he will dismiss ANPM head Iosif Nagy most likely on Monday.

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