Romania Taxes Labor Excessively, Capital Below EU Limits – Business Environment Representative

Romania taxes labor excessively, while capital is taxed below European limits, which leads to tax evasion because people would rather be paid in dividends or receive undeclared salaries, said Romanian Businesspeople Association (AOAR) president Florin Pogonaru.


Imaginea articolului Romania Taxes Labor Excessively, Capital Below EU Limits – Business Environment Representative

Romania Taxes Labor Excessively, Capital Below EU Limits – Business Environment Representative

Unless the fiscal system is balanced, the country will face tax evasion, said Pogonaru during a conference organized by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).

Pogonaru said Romania has trouble attracting European funds, adding the EU fund absorption process should start with motivating public servants who work in the sector. He also stressed that EU fund absorption structures should be simplified and privatized.

Pogonaru pointed out Romania has problems in lobbying for EU funds for 2013.

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