Romania To Export Large Amounts Of Pork To EU Starting Next Year - Minister

Romania will export to EU member states five-digit tonnages of pork annually starting 2012, as the European Commission decided the country may resume pork exports, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.


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Romania To Export Large Amounts Of Pork To EU Starting Next Year - Minister

According to the minister, the EC decided to lift starting January 1, 2011 pork export restrictions targeting Romania.

Romania's pork exports on the EU market have been banned since 2003 due to swine plague. In 2007, the EC decided to extend the ban imposed on Romanian firms regarding pork deliveries to EU, citing problems concerning swine plague eradication.

Tabara said that resuming pork exports will also increase grain sales in Romania.

Early 2011, the minister said he held talks with European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy John Dalli on allowing Romania to resume pork exports, considering the country met all requirements.

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