Romania To Give Public Sector Day Off On April 30, 2012

Romania's Government will declare April 30, 2012 a non-working day for the public sector, to be recouped in a Saturday in May, so that the May Day vacation might be longer, Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said Sunday.


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Romania To Give Public Sector Day Off On April 30, 2012

Bogdan Oprea, spokesman for the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, on Wednesday told MEDIAFAX the ministry welcomed this plan, because it mean tourists would spend more time in Romanian resorts during the vacation.

According to the estimates of the National Tourist Agency Association (ANAT), more than 25,000 Romanian tourists will spend their May Day vacation on the Black Sea Coast this year. Mamaia, Eforie Nord, Neptun and Vama Veche are expected to be the most popular resorts.

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