Romania To Terminate Contract With Bechtel For 300 Km Of Transylvania Hwy

Romania will terminate its contract with constructor Bechtel for 300 km of the Transylvania Highway on which work has not yet started, sources in the Ministry of Transport told online newspaper gandul.


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Romania To Terminate Contract With Bechtel For 300 Km Of Transylvania Hwy

Bechtel will only complete its current work on two sections: 2B - Campia Turzii-Gilau and 3C - Suplacu de Barcau-Bors. The sections together make up 118 km of the highway's planned 415 km.

According to the sources, an official announcement should come Wednesday, or Thursday at the latest.

Bechtel officials have declined to comment, but said they were working on an official statement, to be issued later.

The construction of the Transylvania Highway, which links central Brasov to western Bors on the Hungarian border, began in 2004 with a EUR2.2 billion contract awarded to U.S. constructor Bechtel. The highway is designed to be 415 kilometers long, but only 52 kilometers have been built so far.

Romanian public road authority CNADNR's debts to Bechtel amounted to EUR90.4 million in May, plus 90.3 million lei (EUR21.32 million) in VAT payments.


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