Romanian Agric Min Says It’s Inadmissible That Romania Imports Milk, Dairy

Romanian Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara told a news conference Saturday it is inadmissible Romania has come to import milk and dairy products that aren’t always of the highest quality.


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Romanian Agric Min Says It’s Inadmissible That Romania Imports Milk, Dairy

Tabara said it is very important for Romania to ensure its dairy consumption from domestic production.

"It's inadmissible how in the past few years Romania has come to import milk or dairy products, mainly raw material, that I'd say are not always of the best quality. And that's due to the fact that often, and in most agro-food sectors, there is a certain type of monopoly and the milk and dairy processing sector is dominated by a few large, multinational companies," the minister said.

Tabara added this is not normal and there are no clear explanations as to how a liter of milk comes to cost over 4 or 5 lei in supermarkets when small farmers sell it for 1.1-1.2 lei.

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