Romanian Anticorruption Department Indicted 402 Public Officials In 2010
Romania’s National Anticorruption Department indicted 402 people holding public office or management positions last year, including a former prime minister, three former ministers and three lawmakers.
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Anticorruption prosecutors said Thursday 937 people were indicted for corruption last year, of which 155 were arrested during investigations.
According to the department's activity report, 2010 saw more indictments than 2009, when 552 people were indicted for corruption.
Prosecutors indicted a former prime minister, three former ministers, three lawmakers, two secretaries of state and two deputy prefects, 22 mayors and six deputy mayors.
Also, anticorruption prosecutors indicted 13 magistrates last year, 19 lawyers, 18 financial guard inspectors, four environmental guard workers and a chief of general staff.
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