Romanian Authorities Must Compare Prices Of Similar EU-Funded Projects – Banker

Romania's EU fund management authorities and the Ministry of European Affairs should be able to look up and compare the prices of similar projects, because in some instances the difference between them is considerable, said Radu Gratian Ghetea, president of CEC Bank.


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Romanian Authorities Must Compare Prices Of Similar EU-Funded Projects – Banker

Speaking in the conference MEDIAFAX Talks about European Funds, Ghetea said he was informed that a project in Arad cost 3.5 million lei (EUR810,000), while a project doing the same in Suceava cost RON18 million.

In turn, Catalina Melita, who runs the Sector Operational Program "Increasing Economy Competitiveness," said rules concerning reasonable cost are hard to apply, requiring a price reference system, which must be updated every year.


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