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- BUCHAREST, (19.09.2011, 18:07)
- Radu Bostan ,
Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 16:12, 5 februarie 2025
Romanian Authorities Seized 12 Trucks Carrying Flowers From Netherlands
Romanian authorities checked 15 trucks carrying seeds and flowers from the Netherlands in the last four days, seizing 12 transports and returning three to the supplier, fiscal regulator ANAF announced Monday.
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ANAF officials said 15 trucks carrying flower bulbs or seeds attempted to enter Romania between September 16 -9 p.m. and September 19 - 9 a.m. Ten trucks were blocked for possible eventual confiscation, two were seized by the Financial Guard and three were returned to the supplier in the Netherlands.
Every transport of seed or flowers from the Netherlands has been checked in Romanian customs, because of suspicions that they are carrying certain dangerous bacteria. The National Plant Health Agency has taken samples for analysis; the transports are stopped until the results come back.
Dutch authorities are in contact with Romanian authorities to determine the reasons behind these measures, the Netherlands' Embassy to Romania informed Monday, after receiving complaints from Dutch exporters.
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