Romanian Carmaker Dacia Might Cease Production For A Week Due To Car Parts Shortage

Romanian carmaker Dacia, owned by French group Renault, might cease production for a few days after Easter due to shortages of car parts from earthquake and tsunami-hit Japan.


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Romanian Carmaker Dacia Might Cease Production For A Week Due To Car Parts Shortage

Automobile Dacia Union vice-president Ion Iordache said Tuesday Dacia must adjust production as providers of car parts no longer receive parts from Japan.

He provided no details regarding the carmaker's production program in the next months.

"We must manufacture the cars we planned for 2011, which means we shall work intensely in the second half of the year," said Iordache.

Dacia representatives told MEDIAFAX a decision on ceasing production will be made in the following days.

Several carmakers faced problems due to the shortage of car parts from Japan.

Ford, which owns Romanian car plant Automobile Craiova, said last week it would temporarily close down the plant in Genk, Belgium, to save car parts.

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