Romanian Cattle Farmers To Receive RON410/Head In State Aid

Romanian cattle farmers will receive state aid amounting to 410 lei/head (EUR1=RON4.2998), according to a Government decision allotting RON569 million for around 225,000 beneficiaries.


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Romanian Cattle Farmers To Receive RON410/Head In State Aid

The scheme will cover the owners of almost 1.4 million cattle.

Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said payments would begin as soon as the Decision is published, since banks are willing to provide the money up front, on the basis of certification from the ministry and the Agency for Agriculture Payments and Intervention.

This scheme is financed from the state budget and by the European Union.

The minister reminded that, three weeks ago, the Government allotted around RON610 million in aid for sheep farmers, equivalent to EUR10/head.

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