Romanian Constitutional Court Upholds Gambling Regulations
Romania’s Constitutional Court on Tuesday cleared a government emergency decree issued in 2009 that raised taxes on gambling and the minimal value of share capital required for a gambling license.
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The Court was called to rule on an exception of unconstitutionality raised during a trial by the Romanian Gambling Association.
The decree, adopted on June 24, 2009, sets the license fee for casinos at 400,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2553) and raises the annual tax for each table in the casino to from RON200,000 to RON250,000 in Bucharest and from RON100,000 to RON120,000 in the rest of the country.
The decree also set an annual tax of RON8,000 for each slot-machine type device and a license fee of RON25,000 for slot-machine games.
The decree also sets a tax of RON30,000 for each gambling hall hosting bingo games. This is added with a sum paid in advance to the State Treasury, representing 5% of the nominal value of cards bought from the National Printing House.
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