Romanian Democrat Liberal Leaders Decide To Oust Silviu Bian From Party

The Romanian ruling Democratic Liberal Party’s Standing Bureau on Monday decided to oust Silviu Bian from the party, following his arrest on corruption charges, deputy Razvan Mustea said Monday.


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Romanian Democrat Liberal Leaders Decide To Oust Silviu Bian From Party

According to Mustea, the decision is final.

Democrat liberal vice-president Sorin Frunzaverde said earlier Monday the party's Standing Bureau proposed that Bian should be ousted from the party. He added a decision will be taken by the party's National Council that will convene in a few weeks.

Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean told MEDIAFAX Sunday evening, Prime Minister Emil Boc dismissed Bian from his position of state secretary and head of the National Employment Agency.

The Bucharest Court ordered Bian's arrest for 29 days earlier Sunday. Bian is accused of bribe taking.

The National Anticorruption Department said it has evidence that, besides the RON80,000 he was caught receiving, Bian received EUR22,000 and RON19,000 from staff of local employment agencies to allow the continuation of EU-funded projects the institutions were unfolding.

Bian was appointed head of the employment agency in January 2009. He held the same position between 2005 and 2007.

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