Romanian Deputies Reject Prosecutors’ Request To Lift MP's Immunity

The Romanian anticorruption prosecutors’ request to have the immunity of democrat liberal MP Dan Pasat didn't garner sufficient votes for approval from the Chamber of Deputies Tuesday.


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Romanian Deputies Reject Prosecutors’ Request To Lift MP's Immunity

MPs cast 116 votes in favor and 34 votes against Pasat's prosecution, but 147 votes were needed to lift the lawmaker's immunity.

Opposition parties abstained from voting.

After the result of the vote was made known, Pasat called on prosecutors to bring his case in the court of law, adding he is innocent. The MP said parliamentary immunity does not mean one cannot be indicted and then sentenced or acquitted.

Anticorruption prosecutors' request to have Pasat placed under preventive arrest on corruption charges was forwarded to the lower chamber by the Justice Ministry on November 4, 2010.

Deputies in the committee for legal matters approved the request early February but a final decision on the matter had to be taken by the lower chamber in plenary session.

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