Romanian Employees Penalized For Indiscipline To Be Rehabilitated After 12 Mos

Romanian employees who committed disciplinary infractions will be rehabilitated after a period of twelve months, according to an amendment to the Labor Code approved by the Government Monday.


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Romanian Employees Penalized For Indiscipline To Be Rehabilitated After 12 Mos

According to the new Labor Code, which will be adopted through a confidence vote in Parliament, an employee who committed disciplinary infraction will be rehabilitated after a period of twelve months if he/she committed no other disciplinary infraction during this interval.

The draft Code sent to unionists last week stated that employees penalized for indiscipline will be rehabilitated after six months.

Senate vice-president Ioan Chelaru said Monday the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass new labor legislation next Tuesday, March 8, and amendments to the bill are expected until Friday evening.

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